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Our Advice Process

Financial Advice Process

We use technology to help us record, calculate, implement, and review an agreed upon plan of action that we produce with our clients.

The technology will help us predict the impact of current and future events and decisions such as a career change (What we cant do of course is give you your ideal job (unless your ideal job is to work with us!)


We do this by first understanding you as things are today, and the lifestyle you want to achieve that requires a financial plan of action.


We produce that plan of action, having tested it against future possibilities that you’ve told us about such as a career change, an inheritance, or early retirement, and various risks that perhaps you weren’t aware of


We provide financial advice, taking into consideration the current tax and legislative rules, and then if you agree with our recommendation put the plan into action


As the plan is shaped around future events, its important that the plan is monitored and reviewed. Future events may help or hinder. For example, you could receive an unexpected new job opportunity with better pay and benefits, or you may be faced with a family tragedy or divorce.

Please get in touch to discuss your career options.

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